Friday, September 3, 2010

Dieting HELP!

As you all know, I'm on a mission to lose weight! For the first 6 weeks, things went GREAT! I was so excited about the results I was getting. I've been counting calories and eating close to 1200 calories a day.

But I've hit my brick wall. The same brick wall I hit every time I've tried to lose weight. There is a weight that I reach that I cannot ever seem to get beyond! I've been fluctuating around this weight now for three weeks, and it has made me lose my first place spot in the Biggest Loser competition for the first time!! Urrgggh! I thought seeing my name in second place would help me get beyond this obstacle, but so far it's not working.

So what do I do? I've tried eating fewer than 1200 calories a day, and I started to gain weight. Was I eating too little? I went back to 1200 calories and definitely increased my exercising. A lot. And I gained a pound. I drink tons of water and am still trying to eat no more than 1200 calories a day.

I'm ready to give up simply because I have no idea what to change or do to get past this. I still have 15 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight!

Do you have any ideas or advice? Have you ever tried something that worked for you? I'm willing to listen to any or all suggestions! Please help!


  1. I have heard that changing how you exercise helps. I don't know if you are or not but I know that our bodies get used to the same things. So if you are using a treadmill switch to an eliptical, or do kickboxing or something! You sound very dedicated! Good Job!!

  2. I agree, more protein and if you are doing cardio just in the morning or evening, add it on the other end as well, to maintain your metabolic burn. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go take my own advice.

    Congrats Jen. I think you are doing awesome and I can't wait to see you in December!

  3. PS, what are you using to count calories? That's the worst part for me...

  4. My need to eat more calories to fuel your metabolism. When you go below a certain level of calories your body is an amazing machine and it goes in the "starvation mode." This means that your body holds onto every calorie you consume because it think it is starving. So rather than losing weight you actually gain weight. Your body needs about 1500 to 1600 calories a day just to do it's basic making your heart beat, your hair grow, etc. Hopefully that made sense!

  5. I was watching Biggest Loser the other day, and one of the trainers said to switch it up with the calories and don't eat exactly the same each day. Like 3-4 days a week do really good, 2-3 days do okay, and then give yourself sort of not so great day, that way your body doesn't get used to how many calories you eat or go into starvation mode and it sort of tricks your body into keeping the metabolism going...and I usually don't eat "meals" but rather have a small snack/food (grazing)about every 2-3 hours to keep my metabolism constantly going.

  6. Hey Jen,
    Isn't losing weight fun? I hate it, but something that hasn't already been said that I have to deal with is the glycemic index in foods (because I'm insulin resistant. So I can't eat certain things like having orange juice in the morning, I have to have something like blueberries, etc. And if I eat carbs, (ok, when I eat carbs) I'm always supposed to have some protien with it or my body just stores it as fat. So look up the glycemic index in food. It will surprise you, and also I think you should be eating AT LEAST 1600 calories a day or your body goes into starvation mode. Good luck. I know I've been trying for a long time. If I only I could put into practice everything that I preach.
