Friday, July 1, 2011

Medieval Sunglasses

I tried on my new sunglasses for Katelee today. "What do you think?"

She cocked her head to one side and stared at me for a second, before replying. "Mom, you look medieval."

Medieval?!?! My first thought was - they didn't have sunglasses in the 10th century (did they?). My second thought was - how does she know that word?
I wondered if she knew what it meant. So I asked her.

"It means," she told me, "the middle between evil and nice."

Ah. Medieval. It makes perfect sense.

But I'm not exactly flattered.
Maybe I should return these sunglasses.


  1. Oh...I don't is nice to live on the edge sometimes :)

  2. SO funny!! She is too cute! I have been so behind on blogs. I love your haircut! I am loving all the adorable hairstyles on Katelee and we are missing you tremendously as usual!

  3. I'm thinking you're missing a picture to this post....
