We had a nice Thanksgiving this year! We spent the morning baking pies, watching the Macey's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, and just having fun being with each other. It was quite different to be at home but not hosting, as we usually do, but I admit it was nice not to worry about the turkey and all the trimmings with baby Blake due any day. We enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner that evening with our sister-in-law Bonnie's family in Aurora.
Memorable moments of the day:
- Watching the parade. Katelee loved the character balloons, and Gerald and I enjoyed the performances. I especially found it interesting to see Daniel Radcliffe dance and sing around the stage.
- While watching the Radio City dancers do their high kicks, Katelee did her best to kick along with them at home. ;)
- When Katelee asked me to give her a turkey hair-do . . . and so I did!
On our drive to Aurora, we made a huge list of things we are grateful for - in alphabetical order! (Everyone listed something they were grateful that started with A, etc. We are very, very blessed!)
Playing games together after dinner. Katelee is old enough now to really play games with, and it is so fun! Apples to Apples, Connect Four, Guess Who, Outburst, and Settlers of Catan were just some of the games that made an appearance.
The day after Thanksgiving, we hosted our annual Soup and Sing. This is one of our very, very favorite holiday traditions. We invite several other couples/families over for the evening. Everyone brings a pot of soup and any Christmas sheet music they have and we spend an evening around the piano enjoying good food, conversation, and music. It was a huge hit this year, and as always, just tons of fun! I snapped a cute picture of Geoff and Katelee dancing to the music.
Life is good.
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