This year was the first time Katelee was big enough to wear actual bowling shoes! She thought that was SO COOL!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
BYU Bowling
This year was the first time Katelee was big enough to wear actual bowling shoes! She thought that was SO COOL!
2009 Calendar Dates
January 2009
5 - Piano Lessons Begin
6 - Book Club @ 8:00
6 - Gerald haircut @ 8:30
14 - Relief Society visits
16 - Babysit Crystal's kids 8:30 - 1:30 / Leave for trip to Mesquite!
23 - Start potty training!!!
24 - Food co-op pickup
25 - Return home from Mesquite trip
26 - Visit teach Jordan 11:15
28 - Visit teach Lisa 11:30
29 - Temple Open House
30 - Temple Open House / 9:45 haircut
February 2009
2-7 - Group Piano Lessons Week
9 - Lunch group at my house!
12 - Stake Relief Society Training 7:00
14 - Valentine's Day!
15 - Family Dinner @ 6:00
17 - Gerald's Birthday!
19 - Geralds' haircut 8:30
21 - Food co-op 11:00 / Mallory's birthday cake
23 - Lunch at Jenny's
24 - Visit Teach Jordan 10:45 / Visit teach Lisa 10:00
26 - Home teachers 9:00 p.m.
27 - Hobbs game night 7:00 / Clomid starts
March 2009
2 - Katelee's 3rd Birthday!
3 - Lunch at Jenny's 12:30
5 - babysit Reagan 9:15 / Call Brittany after 7:00
13 - 10:45 Katelee Well Check
14 - Brittany Temple!!
21 - Brittany and Todd Wedding Day!
25 - Becky coming to practice song
26 - Lindsey coming to learn about cakes 10:30
29 - Home teachers 7 p.m.
30 - Visit Teach Jordan 11:00
31 - Visit Teach Lisa 10:00
April 2009
2 - Dad's Birthday! / Help Lindsey with cakes / 10:20 Dr. Lind
4 - Carpets Cleaned 8 - 9 a.m. $57
5 - Mom & Dad coming
7 - Book Club 8 p.m. HERE
8 - Lindsey baby shower 7:30
9 - Brittany & Todd coming
10 - Logan's Birthday Party 7 p.m.
12 - Easter
13 - 18 - Spring Break!
14 - Lisa's bread making class!
17 - Ride Trax to SLC
18 - Movie night at Tiff's 9:00 p.m.
21 - Hairbow making night / Becky coming for staging 10:00 am
23 - 10:40 Picture appointment
24 - No piano lessons
28 - Visit teach Lisa 10:30
29 - Visit teach Jordan 9:00 a.m. / Home teachers coming 9:00 p.m.
30 - Piano Recital!
May 2009
5 - Teach Kara and Juli bows 10 a.m. / Tara & Dallin's Cinco de Mayo Party 7:00 p.m. - bring cheese! / Book Club
6 - 8:30 p.m. dessert @ Kneader's
7 - Meet w/ Shelly about piano 10:00
11- Jennifer's Birthday!
12 - Fondant class 7:00 at church
21 - Babysit Curtis kids 8 am - 1 pm
27 - check Katelee's arm
June 2009
2 - Hospital check 10 a.m. / Visiting Teaching interviews 6:30 / Book Club 8:30
3 - 8:00 Song practice / 5:30 Katelee's Dr. appointment
5 & 6 - Camping with Shill's
8 - Grandpa Daw's funeral
11 - Babysit Thayne's 8:45 a.m.
13 - Fowers Reunion
14 - Sing Men's quartet in church
15 - Tyler's Birthday
16 - Bonnie 10 a.m.
18 - Babysit Thayne's 10:00 a.m.
21 - Father's Day / Shelly & Juli's birthdays
24 - Lisa's birthday
July 2009
4 - Independence Day!
8 - House Inspection 4 p.m.
14 - Go to Tammy's 10:00
18 - Make earrings 4:30
21 - Closing on the house 10:00 a.m.
22 - Move out of house!!
24 - Pioneer Day
August 2009
8 - Move in day!
15 - Geoff & Bonnie's wedding day!!
23 - Relief Society visiting 3:00 p.m.
27 - Bishopric coming to visit 7:30 p.m.
September 2009
1 - Pick up peaches and pears in the afternoon
3 - meet at 10:30 for insurance
5 - Feed missionaries
8 - Tiff's mom's surgery / Park day
9 - Meet with Elizabeth 10 a.m.
12 - Lightning McQueen cake
14 - Visiting teachers come at noon
15 - Daddy & Katelee's Date
16 - Lunch with Burgoynes 11 a.m.
19 - Cupcake Cake 12:30 / 8:30 Gerald help w/ ward move
20 - Stake Conference / Dinner
23 - 7:00 Meet with Brother Parker
25 - Wendy's in town! / Dr. 1:45
26 - General Relief Society Broadcast / Visiting teaching 10 a.m.
28 - Visiting teaching 11:30
29 - Visit Patty 9 a.m. / Relief Society presidency meeting 10 a.m.
30 - Katelee flu shot
October 2009
1 - Recipe swap 10:00 a.m. @ church
2 - Visit Amber Johnston 6:00
5 - Mom & Dad fly in!
7 - Dad's Testing @ hospital
9 - Craft Night 7:00 p.m.
12 - Katelee flu shot 10:30
15 - Stake Training 7:00 p.m.
18 - talk in church!!
20 - Watch Burgoyne's 2;15
24 - Visit teach Janine 10 a.m.
25 - Church welfare meeting 8 a.m. / Accompany Grovers in church 1 p.m.
26 - Presidency Meeting here at 10 a.m.
31 - Claire's baptism 10 a.m. (play the piano)
November 2009
1 - Visiting Teaching interviews 6 - 8 / Teach Relief Society
3 - Begin Music and Motion class weekly @ 10 am. / Relief Society Meeting here @ 7:00
8 - Take dinner to Norris family / Adoption Fireside 7 p.m.
9 - Watch Feichko's 8:50 - 10:15
10 - Relief Society Meeting here @ 7:00
14 - Make Lucy's elmo cake
15 - welfare meeting 8 a.m.
17 - Relief Society Meeting 7:00 p.m.
18 - Relief Society visits 10:45
18 - Visiting Teachers 10 a.m.
21 - Visit teach Janine 9 a.m.
25 - 29 - No piano - Thanksgiving Break
December 2009
2 - Dr. appintment 9:45
5 - 11:00 Practice musical number / 3:30 - Jacquie's baby shower / 6:00 - Dessert night @ Burgoyne's
6 - Visiting Teaching conferences
9 - 10:15 - Dr. appt.
11 - Tour the mint 11 a.m. / Ward Christmas Party
12 - Christmas Concert
13 - Play piano in Sacrament Meeting
14 - 18 - Recording Piano Lessons
17 - CHRISTMAS PIANO RECITAL / 7:15 a.m. watch Taylor
18 - Leave town!
25 - Christmas!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our 2009 Christmas Letter
Merry Christmas
Henry B. Eyring said, “We can with confidence set a goal to make this Christmas brighter than the last and each year that follows brighter still. The trials of mortality may increase in intensity, yet for us, darkness need not increase if we focus our eyes more singly on the light that streams down on us as we follow the Master. He will lead us and help us along the path that leads upward to the home for which we yearn.”
We add our testimony that Jesus is the Light of the World; that he can heal any sorrow, lift any burden, and bring light to the deepest darkness.
We hope your Christmas is one filled with light, love and joy!
Gerald, Jennifer & Katelee Reynolds
Inside the brochure:
2009 in Review
2009 has been a year of changes for our family! In the past year we have: sold our home, moved to a new state, quit old jobs and started new ones, returned to ‘student life,’ held a combined total of six church callings (only one at a time!), and much more! Read on to hear more details about each of our individual lives.
Gerald started out the year with a great job at Garbett Homes in SLC, but also with a great desire to pursue his dream of becoming an architect. We learned in the spring that he was accepted to the Master’s of Architecture program at the University of Colorado! Gerald began classes as a full-time student in August. He has worked hard and earned wonderful grades this first semester! Although his family sorely misses the days when he ‘only worked 60 hour work-weeks,’ Gerald has still found a way to balance his intense school demands with family life. He is a wonderful husband and support to Jennifer, and is, as usual, the center of Katelee’s happiness! Gerald loves our new ward (we all do!) and is currently serving in the Sunday School presidency. Gerald has also enjoyed his many opportunities for woodworking and drawing since he started school.
This has been a very busy year for me. First and foremost, I love my family and find a lot of joy in being Gerald’s wife and Katelee’s mom. I don’t always balance all my household duties perfectly, but I do my best and I love serving my family. Leaving Lehi was very sad for me, as it was for all of us, but I have continued to keep in touch with my Utah friends and have made some amazing new friends here in Colorado. I love our new ward and am really enjoying my calling as second counselor in the Relief Society. With Gerald going back to school, I have had to become the ‘bread winner’ for the family. So far we have been blessed to be able to make ends meet while I work from home. I am still teaching piano lessons, something that I am really passionate about. I had to start over again when we moved, but I currently have 21 students (still hoping for more!) and am really enjoying each of them. I also have a small side business making and decorating cakes, which I think is such a fun hobby. And, as always, I love to read, sew, blog, cook, learn new things and visit with family and friends.
Katelee has also had a year full of changes! She has grown so tall; most people think she is at least 5 years old. She has also grown a lot in other ways. She is such a social, friendly girl, always introducing herself to new children and wanting to play with anyone who’s interested. She also likes to have grown-up conversations with anyone who will listen! She has an amazing imagination and loves to pretend with her princess dolls. Katelee turned three in 2009, and had a superhero party filled with friends, cousins, superhero capes, and cake. Katelee loves to spin in circles, learn new things, be with friends, read books, run around, play board games, be a princess, go to church, play pretend, swim, eat frosting, talk on the phone, swing, dance, and be tickled. She has such a huge, loving heart, and can make anyone her ‘best friend’ in seconds. She misses her friends from Lehi, but has been so good at making new friends here in Denver. She has had some huge life changes this year, but has proven that she is strong, cheerful and resilient despite those changes. We love our little Katiebug with all our hearts, and cannot imagine life without the joy she brings us!
On the inside flap cover:
Katelee wants a brother or sister!
Our little family of three has been desperately hoping to become a family of four. We’ve decided that it’s high time to make that happen.
Which is why we are starting the adoption process!
We are so excited about this decision! Please keep us in your prayers and spread the word to anyone you know.
Our adoption blog:
Monday, December 28, 2009
Holiday Travels - Utah!
The next day, after a very fun stop in Lehi (more on that later) we spent some time at Gerald's sister's home. Katelee was reunited with her Willden cousins, whom she adores, and we had a great time! Then we traveled to Gerald's parents house to stay for the rest of the week.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Dressing Up
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day!
In keeping with this tradition (and because we were sleeping in a room downstairs), on Christmas morning I told Katelee to close her eyes and I whisked her upstairs before she could see what Santa brought. When we got upstairs I told her she could open her eyes. What I didn't realize is that she thought I was taking her TO her presents. She was very disappointed to open her eyes to - nothing. Poor girl! Then she had to wait patiently for everyone to brush their teeth and meet upstairs, and then grandma was halfway through the dishes so we had to finish loading the dishwasher, etc. etc. It was torture, but she was very good, and finally we went downstairs to see what Santa brought.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve at the Frisby's
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with our family, and left Enoch in time to get home before bedtime.
After arriving back in Mesquite at my parent's house, Katelee chose some cookies and some carrots to leave out for Santa and his reindeer. Gerald also opened his Christmas jammies that I made for him. We read a few more Christmas books, and went to bed early. What a fun day!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Baking
I can't get enough of Katelee's cute hands!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Reynolds
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thurston Family Christmas Party
Katelee loves petting the dog!
Isn't this picture of Gerald and my cousin's baby adorable?