Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ready for Recitals!

I have my spring piano recitals this week. Yes, I do mean that in the plural.  I have so many students now that I have decided to have half of my students perform on Thursday evening and the other half perform on Friday evening.  

Having a recital usually means lots of baking.  Katelee is always willing to help by cleaning the beaters with her tongue.

 Preparing for piano recitals also means that I practice the piano a little more than usual.  Katelee has really shown interest the past few months in playing the piano, too.  She has been to so many recitals in her young life that she knows the routine: she will voluntarily stand by the piano bench and introduce herself and her song, then she'll play her song, and finally she'll stand and bow.  It cracks me up, because I don't really encourage this; she just does it all on her own!  I'm thinking that next year when she is four I will start having her actually perform at the recitals!  Meanwhile, here a few videos of some songs she performed for me today.  In case you can't tell what she is saying, the first song is called "The Rabbit Song."  Oh, and sorry about the soggy diaper in the videos; she had just woken up from her nap and I hadn't changed her yet, cause I'm a good mom like that.  ;)


1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT performer you are Katelee! Love it!
    It just shows you that she picks up things quickly. I can't wait to see her in a recital some day! :)
