My age is 4.
My primary class is Sunbeams.
My parents' names are Gerald and Jennifer.
I have _____ brothers and ____ sisters. (We crossed this one out and wrote, "I am going to adopt a baby brother or sister some day."
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because I have a spirit and because I'm nice and friendly and helpful.
My favorite scripture story is Joseph Smith when he sees Heavenly Father and Jesus.
I show love for Jesus by helping my parents.
My favorite primary activity is playing with my friends in the nursery.
My favorite story of Jesus is when Jesus holds the children in His arms.
I serve my family and/or others by cleaning up and setting the table.
I feel the Holy Ghost when we read the scriptures or sing 'Scripture Power.'
I have a testimony because Joseph Smith prayed in the forest and that makes me feel good.
One thing my family thinks is really great about me is that Katelee loves people and is a friend to everyone. (We filled this one in.)