Saturday, May 1, 2010


Katelee is obsessed with dandelions.

I look at them and see ugly little weeds. She sees them as beautiful flowers that she is actually allowed to pick. There's a moral in there, somewhere.

For about 3 weeks now, every time we walk to the car or the mailbox or go outside to play, Katelee has to pick every single dandelion she can find. She has been leaving little piles of them all over the house. Right now, there is one pile of dandelions under my desk, another pile on my bathroom counter, a third pile on the tile near my front door, and a pile on my keyboard stool:

I graciously accept all her offers and then wait until she's napping to gather all the piles I can find and throw them away. So far, she has never questioned where they disappeared to while she napped. Probably because she simply goes to gather more as soon as possible.

Ah, weed piles in the house. Someday I'm going to miss this. ;)


  1. Yup, this happens at my house too. Maybe I should dig around my brain and come up with the moral of this, and then it won't be so annoying!

  2. It's "dandelion pile" season over here too. I hope Gracie never finds out what happen to her little flowers. ;)

  3. Ha Ha, my boys always pick me "flowers" too. They have never asked where they go either, that is so funny.
