Monday, September 14, 2009

How to Have Fun Making Your Own Bird Feeder

Start with one very excited three-year-old girl, who wants to make a bird feeder for a 'mommy school' experiment.  Find the 'prettiest' pine cones around.  Make sure they are sufficiently pretty.  This is very important.
Spread peanut butter all over each pine cone.  Get it all over yourself in the process.  Get it all over the camera, too, as you try to take a picture of your three-year-old daughter laughing at you.
Roll the pine cone in birdseed.  Spill bird seed.
Take a second to admire your creation.  Oooo, pretty.
Choose a branch to hang your bird feeder on.  If you are short, it might have to be the lowest branch on the tree.After about 10 seconds, watch a wild bunny rabbit catch the scent of your bird feeder.  Stand back and giggle while that poor bunny sniffs around back and forth for several minutes, trying to find the goods.  Laugh when the bunny finally figures out it's above his head, and stands on his tip-toes to eat the treat.  Remember that when you signed your apartment lease, you promised never to feed the wild bunnies (really).  Shoo the bunny away and hang the bird feeder on a much higher branch.  Go inside to watch out the window for birds.  Half an hour later, watch a squirrel devour your bird feeder.  (We thought the branch was flimsy enough to deter squirrels.  We were wrong.)

Make plans to try again and hope for better luck next time!


  1. didn't "mean" to feed the wild animals! It just happened that they liked your "Bird" feeder! Nothing you can do about that, right?! :)
    Sooooo fun Jenn! I loved the post! So fun to read! Love the bird feeder!

  2. looks like fun! So. Are you guys done living in Colorado because I'm sick of it. Come back!

  3. That is so fun. Katelee is so lucky to have such an awesome mom. I agree with Elena on the comment she left on your last post. You are truely amazing. I want to be like you too. You are so talented and creative and outgoing the list goes on and on.
