Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Confession: I put up my autumn decorations before Labor Day.

Confession: I get really excited about canning food, and I think stacks of canned fruit or jam is about the prettiest thing in the world.

Confession: I think Halloween (while a weird day) is one of the best holidays of the whole year!
(Katelee painting a Halloween craft.)
Confession: Back-to-school time is almost as exciting to me as Christmastime.

Hooray for Autumn!

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog usually makes me hungry! I'm impressed with all the canning you've gotten done. I usually only have the motivation to do it if someone asks me to do it with them. And those cupcakes from your recital look really pretty and really really yummy!
