Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hypothetical Situation UPDATE!

First of all, thank you so much to all of you who offered me advice and support on my Hypothetical Situation post!  :)  It's great to know I have such smart friends!  

This is what has happened in the last week or two since I posted about our dilemma.  I avoided eating a gallon of ice cream, though I was very tempted!  Instead, we reserved the first floor apartment.  Meanwhile, we started going through the apartment management (NOT the unhelpful sales agent) to see if we could get the original cheaper rent price.  Also, we got a real estate agent out in Denver and began working with her on the option of buying.  We viewed online over 50 properties for sale in the area.  

In the end, we really feel that the spirit has guided us and we are going to rent, not buy.  So, we'll keep our first floor apartment.  And, HOORAY, the apartment complex is going to give us our original rent, so we won't have to figure out how to come up with an extra $70 a month.  In other words, everything has worked out just as it was going to in the first place, only now we're on the first floor.  Amazing how things you worry about so much just resolve themselves sometimes, right?

For the record, I was joking about the whole pulley-system idea.  I should have made it more obvious by saying "using only bed sheets and chewing gum," or something equally silly!  ;)

Also, thanks to those of you who expressed concern over me getting piano students while living in an apartment complex.  This is definitely something I have thought about.  But believe me, I feel more likely to get piano students in this apartment complex which happens to be surrounded by gigantic, gorgeous neighborhoods of homes than living in the houses I could afford in run-down old areas of town.  Also, I have so many friends who have been extraordinarily successful at music lesson from their apartments or condos.  I guess in the end, I'm just relying on the fact that the spirit knows best.  Hopefully my website, my advertising skills, and my natural charm will get me the students I need!  ;)  (Okay, well, at least maybe my website will be helpful...)  

Speaking of websites, here is the one I have put together to help me (hopefully) get students quickly when I move to Denver.  I would LOVE feedback from anyone!  Under frequently asked questions, have I answered all the questions you would ask a piano teacher?

Well, that wraps up this particular drama for now.  Thanks again, everyone, for being great friends!  

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