Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Church Calling

Today in church I was released from my calling in the Relief Society and called to be the new primary chorister! I wasn't there, since we were traveling home from my brother's wedding that took place yesterday (more about that to come!), but I heard the calling officially took place today. I am very, very excited as well as a bit anxious. I will miss Relief Society, of course, but have spent the past several years serving in Relief Society presidency callings. I am ready for a change and excited to be part of primary! I had this same calling of primary chorister once nine years ago for about three months, and other than that I have never served in a primary calling before.

Wish me luck!


  1. You will be GREAT!! I was so excited to hear you'd be in primary because now I'll actually get to see you on Sunday :)

  2. I can totally see you as primary chorister; you will definitely be great. :)

  3. Good luck! That's the calling I have now, and I love it!
    Oh, and
    has some really great ideas.

  4. What a fantastic calling for you! I can't believe that you've only been in Primary for three months. I've been in music or presidency callings in Primary since we've been married. I'm excited you get to serve there - you'll be great!
