Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do You Think Her Face Will Freeze This Way?

Katelee is obsessed lately with making this face.
Especially in public places.
At the doctor's office last Friday she moved around the waiting room and personally pulled this face for each waiting patient. I was quite embarrassed, but when I tell her making this face is rude she gets mad at me and says, "No, mom! It's funny." And it is true that most people laugh at her when they see her doing this.
So if you see us in the grocery store, at church or at the library and Katelee is looking at you like this...
...I'm sorry.
And try not to laugh when she's looking.


  1. Gotta love the face phases; Amanda's took the form of adopting a bizarre face as long as any cameras were in sight. Here's hoping Katelee won't get frozen this way, since how would she manage with her hands stuck that way, too? :)

  2. As long as she thinks that she is being funny you're OK. If she starts doing it to BE rude then you have problems.
    I'm on Katelee's side though. I think you should teach her how to cross her eyes at the same time that she stretches her lips. Then she would really be funny.
    Aunt Alice
