Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who Needs a Laugh??

I have a love/hate relationship with them.
Some days they will swoop elegantly to the side and stay there perfectly.
But usually not.
Today my bangs insisted on one style and one style only. Finally, in frustration (and because I thought it would be funny) I took my curling iron and gave in to my bangs' demands.

This (THIS!) is the style they so easily fall into:
Now that I think about it, we should bring back the poofy 80's bangs! Who's with me?!
Okay, fine.
I hope at least I brought a smile to your face today.

(Yes, I am still in my bathrobe. Yes, it was like 11 in the morning when I took these pictures. Some days are just like that, you know. And I felt like taking ridiculous pictures of myself and publishing them on the internet rather than getting dressed. Yup, one of those days.)

P.S. Jenny and Tammy, I REALLY hope you were kidding when you left comments about the effects of my blog on your self esteem. I really do. But everyone should be feeling a lot better about themselves today after seeing these pictures, don't you agree?! Wahahaha! ;)

P.P.S. You can still enter my giveaway by commenting on the post below if you haven't already, although 12 comments are already there, so I'm thinking that might be the extent of my readership . . . :)


  1. I am NOT with you on bringing back the 80's bangs. But thanks for taking those pictures and letting us all laugh at (with?) you. If you still lived here I might pay you $20 to show up at church like that.

  2. Almost all my days are like that (bathrobe-11am), but I'm not as brave as you in the picture taking department!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face :)
