Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have now officially been blogging for

one year today!

Blog Stats:

I've posted a total of exactly 300 posts! Katelee was the most frequently blogged about subject, with 122 posts dedicated to her. I've recorded some of our family history of this past year, shared recipes, showed make-it-yourself projects, laughed at Flashback Fridays and occasionally had some useful information to give. But mostly I've just rambled about life as I see it. It has been very therapeutic. :)

And a very fun year of blogging for me!

In celebration, I'm having a GIVEAWAY!

(Humor me! I feel like a celebration is in order. Let's just pretend I'm some really cool professional blogger with thousands of readers rather than the truth: a private blogger that rambles about anything and is only semi-interesting to anyone who isn't me and has a readership of approximately 12. :)

Leave a comment on this post by midnight on February 14, 2010 to be entered into the drawing!

The winner will get their own, home-made and embroidered-by-me paper sorter, like this one I made to organize my mail and other papers:

You can choose your own size and your own categories. This has been really handy for me to keep my incoming mail and papers organized. But I was thinking this would also work for sorting kid's homework and school papers (put each kid's name on one section), or for sorting crafting paper, etc. I'll put whatever categories you choose on it, so you don't have to use it for mail, like I do.

Since this is a private blog and normally there are only about 10 of you who ever comment, you have really good odds of winning this giveaway! (Not like the giveaways I enter faithfully on Pioneer Woman's blog - along with thousands and thousands of others! Of course, I'm also not giving away $500 or more of awesome kitchen equipment, but still - good odds!)

I'd love to hear from any of you who are reading this blog,
even if you've never commented before.

Good luck!




  1. Happy blog-iversary. You should make a book.

  2. Happy blog-iversary! Put me in for the drawing!

  3. You are a super blogger. I've been doing it for at least twice as long as you and only have like 315 posts. And here's a question, how on earth does pioneer woman afford her life and her giveaways?? I know she has a huge readership, but does her blog produce THAT much revenue? And her husband is a rancher, is that like a secret millionaire business I didn't know about?

  4. I love your blog, you are very inspiring and I love knowing what is going on with you guys. You are a very good writter and i love reading what you have to say because of that.

  5. I love your Valentine cookies. Hope you sell lots!

  6. Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! :)

  7. Happy blog-iversary! I am definitely a "faithful" follower of your blog. I sure wish you lived a whole lot closer so we could get together.

  8. I'm here! I'm here! I second the idea of making a book. Just finished mine and it's super easy and fun.

  9. I love reading your blog. I made a similar project years ago to store sewing supplies: scissors, buttons & snaps, velcro, elastic, pins & needles, etc. Mine has three rows with three pockets each. It is so much easier to know exactly where to find things.
    I don't need to be in the drawing. I just wanted to be counted as a faithful follower of Fabulous Jenn.
    Love, Aunt Alice

  10. I love reading your blog too and I can't believe you've done 300 posts, that's awesome!

  11. I love looking at your blog! (Although my self esteem sometimes drops because of how crafty and domestic you are and how I'm totally NOT!! Ha ha!) I would love a bill/paper organizer; in fact, I told Alan about it after I saw it here and told him I should figure out something similar! :)

  12. I agree with other comments! I love reading your blog. You always inspire me with new ideas, thoughts, experiences and patterns! Thanks for sharing with us. It does make my self esteem drop a bit as well to wish I had the many talents that you do!

  13. Jenn, I love you and your blog and Giveaways! Please help me get organized! :)

  14. Ooo ooo I want one!! Happy blogiversary to you!!! I am a blog stalker--I read yours all the time just don't always comment. :)

  15. You might consider selling these lovely organizers. What would it be worth to ya?

  16. You are very ambitious. I have had my blog over a year and I don't think I have hit 100 posts yet. As for updating my bog, my computer died, and we are saving up for a new one, so some day I will update. I don't think I should do that while at work:) That is such a fun organizer. Did you make up the pattern?

  17. Count me in! If I leave two comments do I get my name put in the drawing twice? :)

  18. I love reading your blog and seeing what you are busy doing each week. You've become a wonderful homemaker, wife and mom! Love you, Mom

  19. Wow!! You really get a better idea of who is reading your blog if you offer prizes...I'll have to try it sometime ;)
    300 posts in one year...Congratulations!!!

  20. K- I'm in... but mostly, I just want to hear how things are going!
