Thursday, January 28, 2010

Feeling Like Home

I had a startling realization yesterday.

Highlands Ranch is beginning to feel like home.

Yesterday I ran several spontaneous errands after dropping Gerald off at the train, and then in the evening I had reason to run by several ward member's homes, and I didn't have to look up anything on mapquest! You might laugh, but that's huge to me!

A few times in the last few weeks I've had a chance to sit and visit with friends; just a night of girl-talk. I've missed that a lot. That was also huge to me.

Sitting in Relief Society on Sunday, I discovered that I actually knew almost everybody's name! A big difference from when I only knew about 2 names in the room. :)

And then I found out yesterday that a Cafe Rio opened here in Denver! HOORAY! A mom of one of my sweet preschool music class students gave us two coupons for free meals there, and I cannot wait to use them!

The feeling of being a visiting stranger is still present sometimes, but I'm definitely beginning to feel more at home here.


  1. go check this out

  2. Hooray for feeling more at home! I'm starting to feel that way in my ward too. Isn't it nice?
