Monday, January 25, 2010

Interview With a Bride

Jennifer: Katelee, what are you doing?

Katelee: (In a high-pitched voice) Getting married!

Jennifer: Who are you marrying?

Katelee: Someone I met at the castle.

Jennifer: What's his name?

Katelee: (shrugging) I don't know, I didn't ask him.

Jennifer: Where are you getting married?

Katelee: At the temple. And then we are going to move there and live happily ever after and be married.

Jennifer: Aren't you the most beautiful bride in the whole world?

Katelee: Uh-huh. I am. (Big smile.)

I had a sudden vision of being with Katelee on her real wedding day. She really will be the most beautiful bride in the whole world, and I hope that day takes a long, long time to get here.


  1. It's really fun to read your blog. Katelee is so adorable, and what a cute story you shared about her. Thanks for writing!
