Saturday, January 2, 2010


I love BYU.
So much.
Whenever we are in Provo, we have to spend time on the campus.
As soon as I step onto the Y campus, I immediately feel like I'm returning home.
Everyone should feel this way about their alma mater.
I love it.
We had so much fun visiting BYU while we were in town this holiday break. In addition to going bowling at BYU, we also walked around campus and took Katelee to the BYU bookstore, to eat an ice cream cone at the Creamery, and to the Bean museum.
Although Katelee has been to the Bean museum before, she was SO fun to watch this time! She was very excited to see all the animals, and was so enthusiastic about the whole thing. The museum workers offered her a 'scavenger hunt:' a paper with pictures of different animals she was to find while in the museum and a crayon to color each picture as she found it. Katelee was thrilled about the scavenger hunt and took it very seriously. We had a great time completing the paper together.
ROARing is one of Katelee's special talents.

I didn't get many pictures with Katelee in them, because she wouldn't hold still long enough. But we did have a great time!

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