Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No pictures yet...

So, we are still working on the camera cord situation . . . I am feeling pretty impatient and really want to download my ever-growing load of pictures. But in the meantime, I do have a few things to share that don't require pictures:

1. Have you heard about this website, Freebies2Deals? My sister told me about it over a month ago, and since then I've been reading it daily. I have personally benefitted from some fabulous deals (and even free items)! This woman scours the ads and internet for all the most amazing deals and posts them daily. She can post up to 20+ deals a day, so don't hesitate to scroll down. Personally, I've just added this to my google reader, so I don't miss anything. Anyway, if you like saving a buck, you should definitely check this website out. Especially if you live in Utah, because occasionally her deals only apply to Utah businesses. But even if you're like me and don't live in Utah, there is plenty (plenty!) for you to benefit from. Take a look!

2. I have a testimony of paying tithing. We know the scripture (Malachi 3) that promises if we pay our tithing the Lord will pour out a blessing upon us so great that we won't have room enough to receive it. Well, this scripture took on a very literal meaning for me and Katelee the other day when we were putting away her laundry. We were trying to put away her pants, skirts, and p.j.'s and couldn't fit them all in her small drawers. It struck me that we had personally purchased almost none of these clothes. Most of them came from generous friends and family as hand-me-downs or gifts. In fact, I think we've hardly done any clothes shopping for Katelee since Gerald started grad school. And she has more clothes than she has ever had in her life. So many, in fact, that we didn't have room to receive them. It was a small and very visual miracle for us to see the ways the Lord cares for us.

3. Funny story - yesterday afternoon we had a fun and tiring afternoon at the park. We have had NO SNOW yet! Really, other than a few flurries in November or early December. We have no snow that has stuck and so enjoyed a brown and green Christmas. So yesterday afternoon found as at the sunny park where we played frisbee golf with the new frisbee Katelee gave me for Christmas and played tag on the playground. When we got home, Katelee quietly disappeared into her room. I checked on her after a little stretch of silence to find the funniest scene ever! Katelee had closed the curtains to her room, opened an umbrella and set in on the ground, spread her sleeping bag on the floor and placed a pillow under the umbrella (I think she was camping and the umbrella was the 'tent.') And she had climbed into the sleeping bag and gone to sleep. Yes, all that fun at the park must have worn her out because she was sound asleep. It was so funny how she had set it all up like she was camping. Gerald and I had a good laugh! What a cutie!

So, here's hoping I have pictures to share with you soon! In the meantime, we hope you are all enjoying the holidays!

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