Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Decorating the Newlyweds' Car

We had fun decorating the newlywed's car!  They tried to hide the car, but were unsuccessful thanks to Kelly's detective skills.  But don't worry, it was decorated very tastefully and the newlyweds were happy with it!

Kelly really sacrificed his clothing to tie those cans on underneath!  But, as he said, "You only live once!"  Look at that nice toe point!


  1. So cute and fun!!! YOu guys did a great job!!! I love the vinyl on the back. I wish our car had been decorated as tastefull, or even somewhat tasteful. Ours was flat out embarassing!!!

  2. Ohh it is cute! good job! love the car decorations.

  3. Ah, this brings back good memories. Melissa got married the same day we did, and we saw their car decorated in the parking lot as we left. And our car? Tee hee... just like we left it, since no one knew which one it was. Yes, we felt smug. :) Anyway, though, very tasteful job on Geoff & Bonnie's car. I especially like the great lettering.
