Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

We have had a fun Valentine's Day this year!

I am so blessed to have a dedicated and loving husband and two adorable little love bugs with whom to share Valentine's Day!
We choose to make Valentine's Day more of a family party. Gerald and I don't like going out on Valentine's Day - too many crowds and lines, anyway. We prefer to spend it at home as a family. But we have plans to go out alone tomorrow night - yay!

We started the day with one of our favorite breakfasts - crepes with strawberries and whipped cream. Yum! We got ready for the day by giving Katelee Valentine's Day nails and heart hair!

Then, Katelee had her Valentine's Day party at school today. As room mom, I am in charge of organizing these parties, and I LOVE doing it! The party was a huge success. The kids seemed to really have a ton of fun! After exchanging their Valentine's, we had four 'stations' that the kids rotated between.

They decorated and ate sugar cookies, and shared Valentine's Day jokes!
They played 'Don't Break My Heart,' a variation on the game 'Don't Eat Pete!' The kids thought this was hilariously fun (which it is!) and loved playing!
They made Valentine's Day pinwheels!
And they played "Musical Hearts," freeze dance with ribbons, and other musical games at the last station.
After the games and activities were done, they enjoyed feasting on all the party food!
What fun!

After school, we exchanged simple gifts for one another as a family. Katelee made everyone cards. I bought Gerald's favorite treat, and made him this little book:
Gerald gave me a sweet card and some chocolates. And we bought the kids a few sweet things to show them we love them.

Katelee got a princess puzzle, Valentine's Day book, princess card and princess chocolates.
Blake got the book "Guess How Much I Love You" and a photo album filled with pictures from the hospital. This album includes pictures of us and his birthparents, and is filled with love from cover to cover.
This evening, we enjoyed watching Lady and the Tramp while we ate spaghetti and meatballs - perfect for Valentine's Day.

We hope everyone had as sweet of a day as we did - Happy Valentine's Day to all our loved ones!


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