Saturday, February 11, 2012

Love Note Saturday - Pandora

Dear Pandora,

I love you.

I love having a home filled with music, and these days you supply a huge portion of that music for us. You help us get moving in the mornings to our favorite upbeat music, supply relaxing strains of Beethoven or Bach during quiet time, provide show tunes and Disney favorites when we want to dance or play, motivate me with my favorites while house cleaning, and it's a rare night when we don't wind down to your lullaby station. You have something for every mood.

You're not perfect, it's true. (Why can't we just listen to a requested song the first time? And in a perfect world there would no commercial breaks or need to tell you that I'm still listening...) However, you are pretty awesome, and I can live with your flaws, because I love you.

Thank you for providing a soundtrack for our daily lives.



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