Saturday, February 25, 2012

Love Note Saturday - Mo Willems

Dear Mo Willems,

I love you.

Okay, well, maybe not you personally, but your books . . . now THOSE I love! We read a lot of books around our house. A LOT. And I can say without a doubt that right now, you are our very favorite children's author. For us, it started with Knuffle Bunny and the Pigeon books. We've been reading them over and over for years, and we never tire of them. I mean, I know kids can read the same books over and over and over, but usually I get to the point that I'd rather be tortured than have to read that same book one more time!! But not with your books. I love them just as much on the 826th reading as I did on the first. Maybe more. :)But about a year ago, we discovered Elephant and Piggie. And they have changed our lives for the better. Katelee and I love to read these like a script - she'll be Piggie and I'll be Elephant. Or vice versa. We get all dramatic and cheesy, and we laugh until our sides hurt. Because you are hilarous! Last night we visited the library and checked out five of your books that we hadn't read before. Then we came home and giggled and giggled and giggled as we read them. I mean, seriousy, how DO you come up with these things? Reginald von Hoobie Doobie? Ha ha ha ha - it still makes me laugh thinking of Katelee's reaction to that name.

We love your witty plots and the way you can make your simple, simple illustrations carry such huge emotion. For example, this is how we would feel if we lost all our Mo Willems books:
And this how we feel when we discover a new one:
So, thank you, Mo Willems, for making our lives funnier and happier.

We love you.


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