Monday, April 13, 2009


This week is spring break at my house which means a whole week of free afternoons!!!!  Katelee will still sleep her long afternoon nap, but I will have no piano lessons!  I feel such freedom!  My list of things I want to accomplish is long, but I'm looking forward to each one of them!
  • Sew an apron for Kat.  This is what I've decided to make for my friend Kat, who signed up on my "give, oh give" blog post.  She was the only one who took me up on my offer, so I decided I could spend more time and money on her project than I otherwise would.  I'm pretty excited about it; if it turns out the way I hope it will it is going to be dang cute!  I'll post pictures if it does turn out okay.
  • Finish Katelee's new bed and get her used to sleeping in it.
  • Wash my windows.  Anyone have a ladder I could borrow?
  • Re-organize my basement.
  • Make and freeze about 15 dozen cookies for my upcoming piano recital.
  • Practice the piano; I've really been a slacker on this lately and I need to get my recital piece ready!
  • Finish reading the Fablehaven series that I just started.
It's going to be a good week.  I am really excited!


  1. Wow you have quite the list going on! Good luck with everything. I have been really bad at getting on and looking at blogs. It was fun to catch up today. Love the pictures of you and Gerald on your flashback friday! Of course your cupcakes are amazing! Katelee's pictures are so cute! What a cute girl love reading about her. The story of eggs and letting them hatch...cute! Sorry we didn't get to see you it was a very fast trip went saturday came home sunday! we wished we had more time to visit!

  2. We have a ladder! You're welcome to use it whenever you do actually get your windows washed. Isn't that what the rain is for anyway?
