Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2 completely unrelated items

First of all, have any of you ever prepared artichokes before?  I have three lovely artichokes that I got through the local food co-op that I participate in (I TOTALLY recommend that you look at this link if you are not part of the co-op or haven't heard of it before.  We've been participating for almost a year now, and we LOVE IT!)  Sorry, back to my original topic.  So, I have these three artichokes and need to figure out how to best prepare and eat them.  I have found some ideas online, but thought I would turn to my friends whom I trust more first.  Let me know if you know the best way to cook artichokes!

Secondly, just so you are all aware, my name has been changed sometime during the last two weeks.  I didn't know it was going to happen, either, so sorry about springing this on you, but for the past few days I have been exclusively called "buttmom."  I don't even know if I remember my previous name, with Gerald out of town it hasn't been used for three days now.  And I swear that the ONE AND ONLY thing Katelee has called me is "buttmom."  

"Katelee, I'm going upstairs for a minute."

"But, mom!"

"Can you hand me your bowl, please?"

"But, mom!"

Even when I'm agreeing with her or doing something she asked me to do!  For example, here is a conversation that happened last night:

Katelee:  I want an orange.

Me:  Okay.  (I prepare an orange for her and hand it to her.)  Here, Katelee.  Eat your oranges.

Katelee:  But, mom!

She has even been starting sentences like this when we haven't been talking.  She walks into the room and says, "But, mom, ...."

I don't get it.  But I kinda want my old name back.  Plain old 'mommy' works for me.  Do any of you have any experience with getting rid of the ol' buttmom?


  1. Hi Jen!
    I haven't prepared them, but my mom usually boiled them, took them out of the water to let them cool. Cut them in half, and serve with mayo & lemon juice mixed for dip. We would suck the "meat" off the leaves and not bother cutting off the pointy part. Although the instructions I just read said boiling also strips the most nutrients.
    Mmmm...I may have to get me some artichokes now. And We missed you a lot last night, I hope you feel better soon!

  2. hehe, I can't wait until Logan is coming up with that stuff too. As far as artichokes (which I LOVE, but I think I'm the only one) I usually just steam them in a little bit of water and then when the leaves are easy to pull off you dip the end in either butter or miracle whip(I know, sounds gross, but is delicious) and then when you get to the heart you can chope it up in a yummy pasta dish. Mmmmmm. Maybe I'll be sick that day you make them and you can bring us dinner. Tee hee. Good Luck!

  3. Yeah, i would steam the artichokes, and dip the wide end of the leaves into mayonnaise and scrape the meat off with your teeth. Kind of a weird vegetable, but I love them!

  4. We just ate our last night and we boil them and dip them in mayo then in parmesean cheese, but not fresh, just like the kraft grated kind in a can. Then just eat the "meat" by using your front teeth to get it off the leaf. They are so good! Then you can use the hearts for whatever you want to!
