Monday, February 16, 2009

Katelee and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

This morning Katelee woke up in a very bad mood.

It all started when she called for her mom to come get her out of bed.  When her mom entered the room, Katelee hadn't had time yet to hide under her pillow, like she does EVERY morning.  It's one of her favorite things to hide under her pillow before her mom comes into the room.  Then her mom has to look everywhere:  under the bed, in the closet, behind the baby cradle... before she can find Katelee.  This morning, however, the pillow wouldn't cooperate, and when mommy came into the room, Katelee began sobbing.  "The pillow won't work!  The pillow won't work!"  It was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

When it was time to get dressed, Katelee learned that her mommy wouldn't let her stay in her pajamas.  Katelee laid on the floor and cried out her new favorite expression:  "MY HEART IS BROKEN!"

When Katelee wanted to watch a movie, mommy couldn't get the show she had chosen to work, because the disk was scratched.  Katelee cried some more.  "MY HEART IS BROKEN!"

Later, mommy and Katelee were playing catch with a ball. When Katelee missed the ball, she began to cry. "I can't DO it!"

When it was lunchtime, mommy asked Katelee what she wanted to eat today.  Katelee knew exactly what she wanted to eat: MARSHMALLOWS!  But mommy said no, marshmallows are not a lunchtime food.  This time Katelee had the worst tantrum yet.  She ran in the other room, and sobbed that "MY HEART IS BROKEN" for about five minutes.

When Katelee came back to the kitchen, mommy was cutting up an apple with a knife.  "I want to use the knife," said Katelee.  When mommy said no, that knives were only for big people to use, but Katelee could use a spoon or fork instead, Katelee's heart broke all over again.  Loudly.

Mommy was beginning to get frustrated and grumpy, too.  Katelee must have sensed that because she eventually stopped crying, came over to mommy and hugged her leg.  Then in her sweet, quavering little girl voice she asked, "Mommy, will you forgive me?"

Much hugging and cuddling followed.

Katelee is sleeping now.  Hopefully she will wake up feeling much better.  But tonight when it is time to read bedtime stories with her mommy and daddy, they will probably read one of the best books for days like today:  "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day."  And Katelee will know exactly how he feels.


  1. cute post! I'm with katelee, I woke up in a grumpy mood too. I hope today goes better for you guys.

  2. Sorry you had to live through the grumpiness, but that was adorable. Sweet Katelle. Sorry I accidentally let her out of the Church on Sunday! We had fun racing back to the Church though. :)
