Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the beginning of the end

As of tomorrow, I will only have one week left in my house.  Things are starting to wrap up. For example, this week is my last week of piano lessons.  I really hate saying good-bye's.  This last half-hour with each of my students has been slightly awkward and sad.  I've tried to counter that by playing a game reviewing all the things they have learned, so at least they are getting treats and having fun.  Still, yesterday was hard for me; some of my students I have had for over 3 years now and I am really going to miss them.  

I have been trying to pack a few boxes every day in my spare time.  Who knew I had so much stuff?  I've been packing things we 'don't use' right now.  I have filled a lot of boxes with stuff we 'don't use.'  I'm starting to wonder why I have it all if we don't use it.  ;)

I've also hit that point where you start to think, "This is the last time _____________ (fill in the blank with just about anything.)" Blechy. I hate endings. I know, I know, this only means that new exciting things are beginning, blah, blah, blah. But I hate that right now I am in the part where everything is ending.  

the end


  1. Oh I so know about moving. I still am having a hard time and I LOVE st.George I just miss people in Arizona. It's so hard to move! Thank you so much for comming to Aubrey's baptism and playing the piano for her. It truely meant a lot to me! I love you guys!

  2. I read today, that junk is stuff you keep for years with out using and thow out three weeks before you need it.

    We will miss you! We need to get together berfore we leave!

  3. We need to get together one last time before you move!! Please call me when you have a minute so we can at least drop by and visit to say "see you soon."

  4. I finally started "purging" our house every year of stuff we never use/will never use again. I've become my mother - I can't stand clutter. :)

    It was fun to catch up on how you guys are doing. I would imagine it would be very hard to be so near "home" and be "homeless" - kind of makes you glad you didn't get kicked out of your house and don't have anywhere else to go. But only maybe kind of. :) You guys are so warm and friendly, I just know you will love Colorado and will settle in just fine when you get there.
