Saturday, July 18, 2009


Katelee loves the water and loves to swim (although she is very cold intolerant; if it's not warm enough, she prefers to sit on the side).  We are so lucky to have good friends in our ward that live right next to their community pool.  Every Wednesday morning lots of moms and kids from our ward meet to go swimming.  It has been such a fun tradition this summer!  Katelee loves Wednesdays!  

Usually Katelee kicks herself around the pool in her trusty floatie ring.  

Although this last week she refused the floatie and instead did the wall-crawl the entire time.  I think she pulled herself all around that large swimming pool like four or five times.  She was very proud of her newly discovered talent!

We are happy that we are moving to an apartment complex with a pool, but we are sure going to miss 'Swimming Wednesdays' with all our friends!