Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Katelee's Big Girl Bed!

Yes, it's true.  Shocking, I know, but true.  My very big, grown-up little girl still sleeps in a crib! But she loves her crib!  And so do I.  And when you don't need the crib for another baby, and when your child never tries to get out of the crib on her own, why mess with a good thing?

We decided, however, that when we take down the crib for the move, we won't set it up again.  I will probably cry.  When we first put up that crib, I expected it to be a fixture in our home for the next decade or so ... but life goes on.

Anyway, a year or more ago a dear friend in my ward mentioned she was trying to get rid of a twin-size bed frame.  She no longer needed it now that her youngest son had left on his mission.  She said she was giving it away for free, but it would need some work.  Now, it really wasn't that bad, but I still wish I had taken a BEFORE picture, so you could see how different it looks now.  

When it was given to us, it was a brown wood color.  It was sturdy but definitely well-used, marked with the usual signs of 18 years loved by a boy: nicks, a few watermarks, engravings, some candy stuck on in one place, etc.  

We started working on this project months ago, and have been really slow about getting it done.  Thanks to Gerald, however, who has really focused on it this past week, it is now complete and ready to use!  

We sanded it, primed it, added bead board to it, and painted it white.  I think it looks fabulous and will fit just perfectly in Katelee's sweet little girl room.  Here is the finished product:

You can see where Gerald added the bead board to the front and back.  I think it is the perfect touch and makes all the difference.  
He also added bead board in each of the little cubbies at the foot and head of the bed.  I love it!
Now I am just anxious to see it all put together in her cute new room.  We have darling new bedding to put on it and plan to fill the cubbies with her stuffed animals and dolls.  


  1. that does look good! And I just realized that from here on out I'll have to rely on your pictures, I won't be seeing any of these things in person. Thats pretty crappy!

  2. Oh my goodness! How in the world did the two of you create something so beautiful in the midst of a move? You are incredible! I have recently discovered that once a month our city has bulk trash day and people put all kinds of great stuff on the curb. A coat of paint, little touches here and there, and voila, gorgeous new (almost free) furniture. It's amazing! But you guys beat my best work with this bed. You should be proud!

  3. Great job on the bed! I'd ask for a copy if we had room; Amanda would love it! :)

  4. I LOVE IT! I'M OBSESSED WITH BEAD BOARD! If it makes you feel any better, we just moved Charlie into a big boy bed 2 weeks before the babies came in May...and he just had his 3rd b-day. Why mess with a good thing, right? I'm gonna miss you..Keep up the posts so we can still see what is going on with your lives! Good luck!

  5. Sounds like life is taking you on all sorts of adventures! Good luck with your move to Denver and with selling your house, especially at a time like this. I'm impressed with your beautiful cakes! Wow! I've never tried decorating a fancy cake and just the frosting decorated ones I've made have been pretty sad:)

    Love the twin bed. We moved Daniel up to a twin bed last fall and he loves it! At first he looked so small in it. Our crib is still in storage too.

    Anyway, just thought I would say hello and wish you luck with everything!

  6. Wow!! That bed looks awesome! Katelee will love her new bed!

  7. That looks so nice! Great work!

  8. supper cute bed! Good job guys. Scott does a good job at fixing things up I just look at things and see junk. however some of our best furniture scott has fixed up. I am glad you guys decided to fix it up she will love it.
