Friday, July 3, 2009

Flashback Friday

Does anybody else look at these childhood pictures of me and see - KATELEE?!

I showed these pictures to Katelee, and she said, "That's me!" 

When I told her that they were actually pictures of mommy, she wasn't so sure if I was telling the truth.


  1. YES! That's crazy, she looks so much like you!!

  2. Oh my goodness! She is completely your daughter!

  3. I have always thought she looks like you. you are both super cute!!

  4. Oh my goodness!! She is soo you.

  5. Holy cow, she looks so much like you. Austin can't get over it...he and I were scrolling down to compare split screen...that is so cool! You have a mini you! No doubt she'll be just as talented as her mommy, too. :) Thinking of you! Good luck this month.

  6. That is crazy how much you guys look alike! If I didn't know it I would have said it was her too!
