Friday, July 24, 2009

Flashback Friday

Gerald's 11th Birthday Party.
Look at that sweet face! Isn't Gerald about the cutest little boy ever?
Pictures from left to right is Gerald's brother Geoff, Gerald's brother George, Gerald, friend John and friend Chet.
One of my favorite parts of this picture is the look on Geoff's face; he's staring at that cake like he's about to lean over and take a bite out of it. I also love how George and wrestling friend Chet both have their hands on their hips. Don't they look sophisticated and smooth? Hee hee!


  1. I thought I'd seen Gerald & Geoff when they were "younger," but not this young! My, my! Still trying to figure out what's on the cake (besides candles & frosting, of course).

  2. I asked Gerald what was on that cake, too, but he can't remember and I can't figure it out either.
