Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Do you remember the game MASH? Please tell me you do! My sisters and I and our friends used to play it all the time, from the time we could write. This is how you play: there are different categories about your future life. You give three possible answers to each category. Then, the person writing begins drawing a spiral until the other person says, "Stop!" When you stop, you count how many lines you have across the spiral, and that is the magic number. Then you slowly eliminiate the answers in each category by counting to that number, until you have one answer left per category. And now you know exactly what your future is going to be like. :)

Well, last Sunday after Grandma's delicious lunch, Gerald was taking a short nap and I was trying to keep Katelee quiet. Brittany and Todd were sitting nearby, and we decided to play MASH with Katelee. Her first MASH game. We thought it was really funny! Here are the answers as she gave them to us. And they are all from her own brain. The answer in red is the one that 'won.'

By the way, you always write MASH at the top, and that stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House - telling you which one you will live in oneday.

Katelee's Game:
(live in a house)
Who will you marry?
1. Dominic
2. Daddy
3. Todd

How many children will you have?
1. one
2. two
3. five

Where will you live?
1. A castle
2. A farm
3. A school

What job will you have?
1. A penguin
2. fly airplanes
3. sing on a stage

What will you name your first child?
1. Erican
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Cinderella

I was a little disappointed she didn't marry Dominic (???Where did she hear that name????) and become a professional penguin! Hee hee!


  1. I remember MASH well, very well indeed. A couple of months ago when Amanda was out with the neighborhood girls and they sent her in to ask me for some paper. What were they doing? Yup, MASH. One of the girls was in 2nd grade, so she knew just how to do it and could be the scribe. I was a bit stunned thinking how young Amanda was to be playing MASH (I didn't hear of it until I was about twice her age), but I think Katelee's got her beat. :)

  2. That is funny. What cute answers she gave.

  3. I love MASH. I played it all the time back in the day. I love the answers she gave you...like be a penguin and naming the first child Erican or Sleeping Beauty. I love it...so cute.

  4. call me...I'm not sure how to get hold of you
