Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Couple of Conversations

This morning Katelee and I were both sitting around the kitchen table eating our cereal.  Out of the blue, Katelee says to me, "So, mom, I guess we're going to the zoo today!"

Ummm, what?  I don't think I've even mentioned the zoo in the past six months.  So I tell her that we are not going to the zoo today.

Katelee comes back with, "Oooh!  Then we're going to the PARK!"  (Because that's the obvious conclusion, right?  If we're not going to the zoo, then we MUST be going to the park!)

So I pointed out to Katelee that there is quite a bit of snow covering the park and it is cold outside.  I tell her we are not going anywhere today, except maybe Wal-Mart.  

This news is met with a few minutes of silence while we eat our breakfast.  

Then Katelee says, "So, we're going to McDonald's today, right?" 

Hmmmm...  I guess I need to work on getting my messages across more clearly!  =)

Conversation number two occurred a couple of hours later.  I was talking on the phone with my sister when Katelee comes up to me and says, "Mom, I'm SO SORRY!"  Then she runs into her room and shuts the door.  Not a good sign.

So I go and ask her why she is so sorry.  She explains, "Mom, it was an accident!  I put the sticker on the box and I am so sorry!  It was an accident!"

I had to laugh.  First of all, I don't care at all that she 'put a sticker on the box.'  But the part I think is funniest is her constant use of "It was an accident!" these days.  How do you accidentally put a sticker on something?  Katelee is always telling us it is an accident, when in fact it was very intentional.  I don't think that word means what she thinks it means.

1 comment:

  1. She is a funny girl. Shelly and I are planning a zoo trip on Friday if you guys want to come (and Tiff or anyone else). It's conditional on the weather and if Tyler isn't sick anymore.
