Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Like My Job

I have been under the weather for some time now, like two months, and even though I've been keeping up with the basics, I've let a lot of things slide.  The laundry, for example.  The clean laundry has been sitting in my bedroom in baskets for over a week, and the dirty laundry was piling up again.  I also haven't cooked a decent meal in over a week.  We've eaten lots of leftovers, cheese quesadillas, and grilled cheese sandwiches.  And if you stopped by my house lately, I really hope you didn't look too closely at my kitchen floor.

Today I decided to get out of my frump, even though I still feel crummy.  I put away all the clean laundry.  I washed and dried three new loads of laundry, and put them away quickly before they could fall into the clean-laundry-in-a-basket trap.  I mopped my floor.  I am typing this as Katelee finishes her nap and I can smell the barbecue pork ribs baking in the oven and hear the potatoes boiling on the stove.  Gerald is going to enjoy a real dinner tonight.  

It's times like these that I am reminded of the satisfaction and joy that comes from being a homemaker.  I lose that perspective sometimes in the piles of dirty dishes and stinky socks. It's nice to remember how lucky I really am.

P.S.  I actually typed this post on Monday, but just didn't post it until now.  For those of you I have seen in the last few days, you'll know that I am still feeling sick and my house is a mess once again.  And we are eating leftovers for dinner tonight.  That's okay, though.  The fact that my job is constantly needing re-doing makes for good job security, right?  =)  

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope you start feeling better really soon with your trip coming up. I agree with the gift of homemaking, I never really understood how important and rewarding it can be until I experienced it, and sometimes it's even more rewarding when things have gotten a little backed up and you get caught up and see a bigger difference....sometimes I let the laundry get backed up just to feel that wonderful sense of accomplishment after getting it all done. :)
