Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sew Much Fun!

Our ward has started a 'sewing sisters' small enrichment group, where we can go and learn some basic sewing skills. 

I am really excited about this!

My mom is an amazing seamstress, and one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't learn more from her while I was living at home.  I do know how to use a sewing machine, and I've made some pieced quilts (straight lines, no pattern needed!) and some small easy projects, like our Christmas stockings and the super hero capes.

But ask me to follow a pattern - no idea.  Talk about zippers or button holes, and I'm completely clueless.

So, I am excited to maybe learn some of these things!

We did our first project last month.  We made pajama pants.  I made a pair for Katelee.  I'm really proud of them even though you all probably made something similar in junior high home economics.  I know these aren't particularly hard to make, but for me this is a big accomplishment!

Don't look too closely.  The lace on the bottom of the pants is uneven (one side is lower than the other) and there are some crooked seams.  But Katelee absolutely loves these pants, and I think she looks pretty cute, too.

So now I'm thinking about making our family matching pajama pants for Christmas ... that could be fun.  Who knows if it will happen or not, but it's fun to dream!
Last night we learned how to make pencil skirts.  Sorry, I haven't made one yet because I did not get the materials in time.  But I did go and learn how to do it.  I am really excited to try it!  I'll post pictures if I'm successful!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I wasn't able to make it last night--are there patterns that I could get from someone or not really? Very cute pants-you have every right to be proud of them.
