Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pictures of the Wedding Day

I know I've been posting about it all week, so you already know this, but Brittany and Todd were married last Saturday.  It was an absolutely beautiful day.   Everything seemed to go so smoothly and Brittany looked absolutely gorgeous.  Some of my favorite things from the day:
  • Being in the same room Gerald and I were married in 7 years ago.  Getting married in this room is actually quite a family tradition, now.  It is a room that is off the celestial room of the temple, so everyone has to wear white.  It was beautiful.
  • Watching my sister being sealed to her husband.
  • Listening to the good advice from the sealer who married them; he was from Hawaii and had a fun accent.
  • Seeing and visiting with so many extended family members and close friends!
  • Enjoying Katelee, who thought she was a princess in her bridesmaid dress and curtsied to anyone who would look at her.  She also spinned and danced through most of the reception, even though there wasn't really any dancing.  ;)
  • Being in St. George and Mesquite where the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  The wedding day was perfect, in terms of weather.
  • Getting to help set-up and clean-up the reception.  This may not sound fun, but I love to be involved in things like this and I like to feel helpful.
  • Smelling the flowers that decorated the tables at the reception.  Mmmmm...they smelled good.
  • Watching my sister and her new husband literally beam all day long.
  • Being with some of the people I love the most.
The following movie clip shows what Katelee did for most of the reception; I think she's hilarious!  Love ya, babe!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Woa, I accidentally deleted my comment. Anyways, It looks like you guys had a great time. I love weddings. Katelee is adorable. Did she ever get dizzy?

  3. Katelee looks so pretty in her dress! I think spinning around makes every girl feel like a princess. Congrats on the wedding!

  4. Your mom's work on the dresses is amazing! So cute that she twirled all evening! I can't wait to see it on her another day!
