Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saturday Is a Special Day!

This past Saturday truly was a special day for me and my family. My sister, Brittany, went to the temple for her first time. It was the first time that my immediate family was all together in the temple. We were there with my parents, my three siblings, our spouses, my grandma, aunts and uncles and cousins...it was the best feeling in the world. I sincerely believe that the temple is the House of the Lord and about as close to heaven as you can get in this life. It really did feel like heaven being there with those I love the most.

After the temple we went to lunch at Iggy's, and then ran home to get ready for Brittany's bridal shower. We had the shower that afternoon, and it was a lot of fun! She had a great turn-out, had a lot of fun, and got some nice gifts! It was a wonderful day to remember.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! When Aaron and I walked into our sealing room...where everyone who was there to support us, and everyone we know and love (who could be there)...felt exactly like a little piece of heaven on earth! Such a special place!
