Friday, March 6, 2009

yet ANOTHER cake

Are you sick of me posting pictures of cakes yet?
(Don't answer that.)

This is another birthday cake for a family in my ward.  Actually, this cake is for the younger sister of the girl for whom I made the 'stage cake.'  Her mother requested a track and field theme, since Maddy is currently on the track team at her high school.  The cake is rainbow chip flavored, with vanilla frosting.  The track girls, the flags, the banner and the stars are made out of fondant.


  1. again, awesome!! I don't think I'll ever get sick of looking at your cakes, so keep them coming!

  2. You are so awesome! you are hired to make my girls wedding cakes! I wish we were closer I would have you do some fun birthday cakes! amazing talent!

  3. Wow! You are amazing. My talent with cakes is limited to cupcakes and that's about it. :) You're cakes are awesome.

  4. You are so talented! Thanks for making our was perfect.
