Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stitches and Stings!

I took Katelee to get her stitches out this morning.  She did a great job, even though she was really scared.  As promised, afterwards we went next door and bought a cupcake from Dippidee's for her good behavior.  I was very proud of her!  

As we were leaving Dippidee's, Katelee dropped her toy princess.  Since she was still holding her large yellow cupcake, I bent down to help pick it up off the sidewalk.  That's when a small bee swooped in from nowhere and flew down my shirt!  Before I could react it stung me...I'll leave the exact location of the sting up to your own imagination.   I'll just say it hurt, a lot!  

Even now, an hour later, as I imagine the scene, I cannot stop laughing!  There I was, in a busy parking lot, jumping up and down.  One hand was hitting myself on the chest trying to squash the bee, the other hand was down my shirt trying to find the darn thing!  I must have looked like an absolute lunatic!  I'm giggling as I type this, just thinking about it!

Luckily the sting's not bothering me anymore, so I'll be fine.  I don't think I can say the same thing for the bee.  I never saw him again after he stung me, but I can rest assured that he is dead after the beating I gave him and myself.  I tell you, that bee only had one thing on his mind, so good riddance to him!


  1. Oh! I'm so sorry you got stung, but that definately gave me a good laugh. I'm still giggling. Too funny. At least it happened to you this time and not Katelee.

  2. I tohught you were going to say that Katelee got stung- while I am sorry that anyone got stung- I was really happy to hear it wasn't one more thing that she had to experience!

  3. Thank you for sharing...I'm glad the sting isn't bothering you anymore, because that's a funny story, and I would feel a little bad for laughing if it still hurt.

  4. Awwww....what would we do without great moments like these in the blogging world? :) Thanks for sharing Jenn!

  5. hahahahahahaha, i wish I could have seen your reaction!
